What To Know About At-Fault Divorces

Are you looking into getting a divorce, but not sure if it is appropriate to use an at-fault divorce as a reason to do so? If so, it will help to know the following things about this type of divorce.  At-Fault Divorces May Not Be Allowed Where You Live First of all, you need to figure out if your state even allows for at-fault divorces. There are states that are strictly no-fault divorce states, meaning you are unable to place blame on your spouse when filing the official divorce petition. [Read More]

When Your Medical Condition Is Questioned By The Social Security Administration

At the center of every Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claim is medical evidence. It's not enough to be afflicted with a condition, applicants must also prove their medical condition to the Social Security Administration (SSA). For some help in knowing what the SSA is looking for in terms of medical proof, read on. The Primary Proof: Your Medical Records When you apply for SSDI, you must complete an application. In most cases, you can explain your medical issues on the application without the need for sending in medical records. [Read More]

Who Gets The Car? Settling Transportation Issues During Divorce

At times, who gets what car is not an issue during divorce. When a couple each has their own vehicles, they may decide to each keep it and to continue making payments on any auto loans. Unfortunately, not everyone has two or more cars. If you are afraid you'll get stuck without transportation if you divorce, read on to learn about your options. Who Needs the Car the Most? If neither of you can agree about who can use the car during separation, you might have to take things before a judge. [Read More]

Divorce Lawyer Tips For Ensuring An Equal Financial Settlement

Deciding you want to get a divorce from your spouse is always a stressful time. The decision is even more stressful when you are someone who has been hands off on the financial side of the marriage and are scared about not getting an equitable settlement when the divorce is final. If you are planning to ask your spouse for a divorce but are concerned about ensuring you get an equal financial settlement, then these tips will help you. [Read More]