For divorce cases in which there is less than 100 percent transparency about each spouse's financial situation, divorce attorneys will frequently rely on help from forensic accountants. A forensic accountant can use a number of methods of investigation to better understand a person's financial picture, which the attorney can then use to argue for a specific amount in the divorce settlement, alimony payments, and child support payments. If your attorney is considering involving a forensic accountant in your case, here are some pros and cons to know.
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Dealing with Hidden Assets and Divorce
When you are happily married, you share everything. The good times and the bad times, the plentiful and the scarce, and all the things that populate your home are all shared. That all changes when divorce comes along. What might have been "ours" is now considered marital property. A divorce settlement cannot be considered fair without a full disclosure of assets, so read on to find out more about marital property and hiding assets.
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Creating A Prenuptial Agreement? Be Sure To Include These 4 Things
If you are getting married, one document you may be preparing is a prenuptial agreement. This is a document that states what will happen if you decide to get divorced down the road, which will help avoid the need to go to court and have a judge settle your disagreement. Here are some things you'll want to include in the prenuptial agreement.
Prenuptial agreements are not always used to protect your spouse from getting certain assets after a divorce.
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What To Do If You've Gotten Behind On Your Child Support
If you have been unable to make your child support payments lately, you might be worried about a lot of things. You could be concerned about whether or not your children are being affected because of this lack of financial support, and you could be worried about getting in trouble with the court system. These are a few steps that you can take if you have found yourself in this situation.
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